Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 18 - The "H" Word

I'm blogging this from my kitchen table. The last time I was here, the leaves were not yet out, I had just finished my semester at EIU, and Mason McGrath was still 3.

We made it home. It wasn't no easy task, lemme tell ya. But Samson is now in his very own room.

I have some excellent pictures from the day, but dammit, the blog-gods are not with us tonight. The uploader is not uploading, and I'm really not interested in sitting in front of my laptop for a long period of time. To be honest, I'd rather be chilling out on my back porch with my wife. I will do this post haste. But first, a very quick update. Tomorrow I will add photos, and fill in the gaps... again from my glorious, beautiful, kitchen table. Or maybe my couch...

At rounds this morning the Doctors determined that what we were doing was working, and could be done from home. Antibiotics, vest, and inhaled Pulmozyme. So, out we go. Or, "a la casa" in the words of Dr. Rivera.

Long story short, we couldn't leave until about 5pm. We waited, we waited, we did a hearing test, we waited, we napped, we filled out a form, they took out Sam's PICC line (he screamed...!), we packed up our stuff with glee. We finally took two trips out to my dad's old truck of our stuff that accumulated over the past 18 days. Then...

First stop was McDonald's on Lindell. We both had skipped lunch for a variety of reasons and we were crazy with hunger. We ate for what seemed like an hour.

Sam ate just about the entire way home. That's a three hour drive's worth of snacks.

We watched the sun set to our left from Interstate 57. It was magnificent.

Mommy had a sign that she made with Ozzie (he was in bed) taped to the garage door. Sam was exctatic to see not only Mommy, but our minivan. Our neighbors came out to say hi and offer a hug. (We've got some of the best neighbors.)

We're home.

We're not cured.

We know we'll be back.

Sam is still coughing.

We are happy to be together.

No pictures can capture how that feels.


  1. I love my sister & brother-in-law & my nephews, Sam & Ozzie so much... it's sick. ;) Brad... I am so glad you were able to be with Sam thru this. I'm so happy that I could help by watching Ozzie for a couple of days. Kat... you are the best sister in all the world & I adore you. If CF has to be, then two better & more loving parents couldn't have been entrusted to care for & love two precious lives. Tonite I am crying very happy & proud tears.

  2. Great to hear! Looking forward to pictures! Enjoy your time together at home.

  3. I know all too well what living at a hospital is like. My middle daughter, Emmy, was sick for most of her short, sweet life. She passed in Dec 09. I feel for you all. However, your little ones have made you learn how to appreciate life like nothing else. How precious is that!?!? :)

    Love that you are home sweet home!
    Amy & family.

  4. Love that Sam ate for 3 hours. Awesome! Sooooo glad you're home.

  5. So glad to hear that you're all back home together now! Now go have some fun. :-)
