This first picture is me walking into the IR (interventional radiology) room. I'm carrying my bear Boris with me, and I'm walking there with Cassy, one of my nurses on 7 east.
This is a picture of me getting comfortable before I get my picc line. The blanket was very warm. I liked it.
Dr. Boris! (His real name is Boris.)
After I woke up, I was reallllly dizzy.... (and I barfed... ugh....)
I fell back to sleep again. When I woke up, I wanted FOOD!! Nana was here too.
[Sam woke up with a 102 fever. He contracted a virus since he arrived here, and we think it was RSV. His fever broke later that day, but his mucus was back and his cough had worsened. We are working on clearing him back to where he was before getting the picc placed and going under anesthesia. -dad]
I slept so much, we stayed up pretty late. We had a dance party! We listened to "tempodot" - a song we made using Garageband.
The next morning, daddy found this guy on the coffee pot in the kitchenette. Very funny! Coffee guy...
This is me doing "MOOSE FACE!" (I like that too!)
Later today we played Hospital Bingo. You get a bingo card, and the people in the playroom on the 8th floor call out bingo cards. (Since we couldn't leave our room, we watched the pick cards on our TV.) You can win by getting 5 in a row across, down or diagonally. You can get two wins total. This week was "board game week!" We didn't win. But it was fun!(We were soooo close!)
Later I painted a reindeer! His name is "racer". I painted him red, green, black, magenta, yellow, and blue. (His antlers are green!)
Thanks for everyone's messages on my last blog entry! I'm feeling better, and I hope I'm home soon. Dad says hopefully by Monday.
- SAM.
[We were shooting for Friday but because he got a fever and contracted RSV yesterday, we are probably looking at a Monday discharge. We know there's a very real possibility that could even get delayed a few days... fingers crossed! -dad]
Thanks for the update Sam! Hope you feel even better in the morning :)